Battersea Park Community Choir
If you like to sing come and join us! We have a lot of fun, work hard and are improving every week.
Did you know that singing is good for you?
The Choir is currently suspended pending the search for a new choir leader. If you would like to get involved as a choir leader, please contact us.
Battersea Park Community Choir meets every Wednesday eveing in term-time; see our events page for contact details. During the coronavirus situation, practice is usually held on Zoom.
Research shows that choral singing enhances brain function and releases endorphins which reduces stress. Singing together with others can increase your confidence too. We've found that many people believe the myth that they 'can't sing' but once they have a go, find themselves to be surprisingly good at it.
Our choir is there to help increase a sense of belonging in a sometimes isolating modern world, let you get out there and make some noise, and most importantly, it's great fun!
If you like to sing come and join us! We have around 15 voices so far with mixed age and ability. We have a lot of fun, work hard and are improving every week.
Battersea Park Community Choir meets every Wednesday, 7pm, in school term times, at St Saviours Church, 351 Battersea Park Road, London SW11 4LH.
The Choir is hosted by Rev Ruth Turner at St Saviour Church in Battersea Park Road, right next to Doddington and Battersea Fields. The Choir forms part of nineelms.org focus on Community Development work, aiming to bring communities together for support and friendship. We sing a variety of secular, folk and church music, finding parts for beginners and more experienced singers.
All are welcome – just come along!

More stories about the Choir
Battersea Park Community Choir - get together in song
Advent window and Christmas Carols with Battersea Park Community Choir