Compassion & Justice
Our aim is to highlight and encourage those in our community who are actively engaged in compassion and justice projects, to work in partnership with them.
An undeniable peculiarity of the new Nine Elms is that it is surrounded by areas of "old" London, with parts of the community affected by poverty and social difficulty. Some of the more affluent residents of the Nine Elms development may be shielded inside concierge-attended apartments, creating a potential them/us separation. Here are some of our initiatives to bring people together for in joint support, community debate, and in church, to help break down social barriers and create a more harmonious community.

Waste Not Want Not Battersea
Based on Doddington Estate (near to St Saviour's church), Waste Not
Want Not collects food from New Covent Garden Market destined for
landfill but still perfectly edible, makes it available to anyone who
would like to help the fight against food waste with a nominal donation
to cover costs. Our Associate Vicar is one of the Trustees.
Breakfast Club
Over the 5 weeks of the summer holidays we opened St Saviour’s Church hall in the mornings (Monday to Wednesday) to offer a free breakfast/brunch to children with their families. This is because we know that many children suffer when they are not supplied with a daily lunch through their schools.
Supporting people affected by knife crime
As the media debate escalates about youth violence, police numbers and migration, we are redoubling our efforts to reduce crime, the effects of crime, and the interlinked social causes. We have been extremely concerned by the rise in knife crime and murders in our Battersea area. We are part of the Violent Crime Vigil Group lead by Revd Aaron from St Mary’s Church, Battersea and have taken part in one of the Vigils set up by this group for the latest victim of violent crime. Marsha de Cordova MP has shown her concern and asked to use the church hall to gather together those working with youth, and other concerned groups. This we gladly did on Tuesday 16th July 2019 when we hosted about 50 people to share their expertise and concern, and make plans to continue to share knowledge and action.

We work for inclusiveness and against prejudice by nurturing neighbourliness, charitable giving, social interaction and involvement with the issues.
We understand that there is no magic solution, but by bringing together groups with these common concerns, we believe that a difference can be made. Long-term we want to create a safer and more compassionate place for both the vulnerable and more privileged members of the community.