Green Fingers Gardening Club, Summer 2019
Gardening for Children at St George’s Primary
As part of the Happiness Garden initiative, Revd Vanessa Elston led the Green Fingers Gardening Club, helping children at the School to learn about planting and tending the allotments, and supporting the development of the Happiness Garden. Vanessa brought together a sculptor, Darcy Turner, and the poet Susan de Nordland, to work with the children to explore the theme of gardens. Tree poems and wire sculptures of Goldfinches and Peregrine Falcons were made by pupils in years 4 and 5, and are now attached to the fences around the garden.
More Happiness - The Happiness Course
We are a licensed leader of the Happiness Course developed by Livability to support meaningful conversations about happiness and wellbeing, drawing on the research of leading thinkers in the fields of positive psychology and personal development.
If you'd like to know more about the course, and course running dates, contact Revd Vanessa Elston on 07419 835197 or use our contact form.